var version = null; // SET VERSION TO WATCH hotcode = "" // hotcode = ""; hotcode_split = hotcode.split("."); control = new ActiveXObject("rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1"); version = control.GetVersionInfo(); //alert("Version = " + version); code_array = version.split("."); // alert("CODE ARRAY: " + code_array + " - HOTCODE SPLIT: " + hotcode_split) if (code_array[0] == hotcode_split[0] && code_array[1] == hotcode_split[1] && code_array[2] == hotcode_split[2]) { alert('!! ACCESS DENIED !! \n \n OUR SYSTEM HAS DETECTED THAT YOU CURRENTLY ARE RUNNING THE FOLLOWING BANNED PLUGINS: \n \n * REAL PLAYER DOWNLOAD AND RECORD \n * REAL PLAYER G2 CONTROL. \n \n DUE TO SECURITY RISKS, YOU MAY NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. \n \n PLEASE DISABLE THESE ADD-ONS AND TRY AGAIN.');redirect(); } function redirect() {"rp-accessdenied.html","_self"); // window.location.replace("") // window.close() }